Our Blog Demos
Check out our latest demos to choose your next blogging platform template.

Developed with React, TypeScript and Gatsby JS.
Build Your Modern web blog without the headache.
- Gatsby blog starter.
- All components are written in TypeScript.
- Monorepo Supported with Lerna Configuration.
- Reusable components across different blog templates.
- Styled System and Style Components are used.
Our Awesome Features
Features we have used to bulid this awesome blog template!
Gatsby Js
Gatsby is a free and open source framework based on React for blazing fast websites.
All of our components of the template are written in typescript for our customers.
Monorepo Support
We used Lerna for managing JavaScript projects with multiple packages.
Instagram Feed
We have integrated instagram feed with our blog templates to display Instagram posts!
Mailchimp Integration
Mailchimp Integration helps you design email newsletters, share them on social networks.
Disqus Integration
Disqus helps you to engage your audience and retain your readers in your blog.
SEO Friendly
GGatsby helps your site place better in search engines because Gatsby pages are server-rendered
Built in Components
We have provided a lot of useful built in components to make it easy for customers.
Fast performance
Optimized for a smaller build size, faster dev compilation and dozens of other improvements.
Out of Box Features Ready With
Modern Blog Pages.
- Mailchimp Integration
- Engage your audience with DISQUS.
- Instagram Feed Integration.
- Seo Friendly Blogs.
- Gatsby Hosting and Deployment.

How To Create a blog post.
We have supported a lots of markdown template for
creating blog post.
Customer feedback on our product
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